What We Vision

Across the globe, a movement is flourishing – a resurgence of ancient ways where people unite and rediscover the profound art of tribal connections and co-creation in harmony with the Earth.

Our acquisition of Litton Frith Farm at Cressbrook Dale has turned into the most extraordinary adventure, revealing the level of corruption within the local ‘Authorities’ ~ who have now admitted (via a Freedom of Information request) that the Owners’ lawful rights have been violated.

A formal complaint is currently being escalated to the Ombudsman, Solicitors Regulation Authority, Head of Derbyshire Police and Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities regarding the criminal damage to, and theft of, our property by Peak District National Park ‘Authority’.

It feels important to assert our Common Law Rights at a time in history when We, the People, are awakening of the extent to which our lawful rights have been, and continue to be, violated by the Government and the ‘Authorities’ which it has created.

While this process has been going on we have felt it inappropriate to bring any new members into our Community.

However we continue to Vision our quiet enjoyment of Cressbrook Dale, being on the land and looking after it, in harmony with Nature, as countless generations before us have clearly also done.

Whether the Vision outlined below happens in 2024 or whether it takes several years to manifest, we know deep in our hearts that a new Golden Era, free from the command/control bondage which the legacy system has exerted over We, the People for many hundreds of years now, is already underway.

Loveland eco-community, Cornwall

Dancing Rabbit eco-community, Missouri - 25th year Members’ Reunion

Expanding our Community

Embracing the essence of the land's heritage, requires continuous nurturing and care. Our commitment remains steadfast: we stand as guardians of the land's wellbeing. Every enhancement we've made, every step we plan to take, falls within the embrace of our Common Law Rights as landowners and we continue to strive towards effective land management and security, in harmony with the principles that guide us.

As you contemplate joining our community, we want you to be aware of a local hateful narrative that doesn't mirror our own more joyful experience and intentions. There has however been a campaign of negativity that, while borne of misunderstandings, can cast shadows on our journey together.

This disclosure isn't meant to deter you – quite the opposite. It's an invitation to keep an open heart, to approach any negativity or hostility with a resilience that is rooted in compassion. Just as our land is a canvas for nature to grow, our personal interactions too are spaces where understanding can blossom. By joining us, you become part of a transformative force, helping to turn misunderstandings into connections and transforming primal fear into shared harmony and love. We are all related and we are holding space for this realization to surface in the heart of humanity.

Our Ethos

At the heart of our community lies our Ethos (see home page), a guiding light that shapes our interactions with the land, each other, and the wider world. Cressbrook Dale Estate stands as a private members' association, rooted in the principles of Common Law. Embracing this ethos means embracing your sovereign rights and responsibilities.

Our community has sculpted a dynamic framework for decision-making, drawing inspiration from Sociocracy and infusing it with our unique needs. In this evolving system, mini-groups of expertise lead the way. Whether it's tending to the land or navigating legal realms, those immersed in specific areas bring their insights to the fore. These specialised groups are the heartbeat of our operation, each resonating within their unique domain.

Their knowledge, in turn, melds into a central group that is enriched by the broader perspective, setting the scope within which our specialised groups may thrive. The Founding Members harvest the vitality of expertise, overseeing the decisions that are made to ensure that they are in line with the Ethos of our Community.

Your Skills

We extend an invitation to kindred souls who not only share our commitment to this project but also bring their skills, experiences, and expertise to enrich our journey. Our community thrives when our members bring their unique gifts, be it practical, horticultural, therapeutic, or spiritual. As co-owners of this land, your contributions can create a symphony of knowledge, harmonising with the community and the earth itself.

Our community is a sanctuary of learning, where every member imparts wisdom to others and fosters a legacy of harmonious coexistence with nature. Whether you're gifted in the art of woodland management or permaculture, the healing touch of herbalism, or the celebration of sound, your talents are gratefully received.

Your Commitment

Many have asked us about the ‘investment’ needed to become part of this extraordinary journey.

However, for us, the energy and expertise you bring to our community is far more important than money. Especially at this moment in time where our community would appear to be under attack from the ‘Authorities’ who we believe are now acting in clear violation of our Common Law rights.

The recent unfolding of events has shown us how important it is for all Members to be fully on board as we stand against a System which is becoming increasingly totalitarian and corrupt. We especially welcome Members who are fully prepared to stand in their sovereign rights - as it is clear that our community is about way more than just co-owning land.

We would also like to emphasise that (contrary to the smears being made against us) we are not any kind of legal entity or commercial operation. We are simply like-hearted souls, pooling resources towards manifesting a shared Vision.

If you are interested in being involved, we invite you to come and walk the land with us so we can get to know you, and ensure that you are fully aligned to Our Ethos and the Spirit of our Community.

Creating a Peace Team

Upholding our stance against digital surveillance, we have decided to co-create a 'Peace Team' from our Membership, who are invited to stay on the land, standing as protectors against theft and vandalism and other hate-crimes that have happened.

Overseen by the Trustees, their role will be to preserve the harmony and maintain the land, ensuring that our natural sanctuary remains free from disturbance.

Initially the ‘Peace Team’ will need to be based in moveable structures. Over time we intend to create semi-permanent, secure, fully resourced, eco-stations at the key entrances to the site – where we can also safely store our tools, equipment and supplies.

Bows of burning gold will be provided - but please bring your own ‘chariot of fire’!

Enchanting the Entrance

Since our contract limitations with Stanton Estate have now been lifted, our entrance stands ready for metamorphosis. The name ‘entrance’ literally means to ‘en-trance’, which is to cast a spell over all those who enter. We envisage an entrance that transcends the mundane, radiating an aura of wonder and embrace. We aim to create a portal that whispers the energy of protection and reverence for this beautiful land; a tangible reminder that you're entering a cherished realm.

This isn't just about aesthetics; it's about crafting an experience that lingers in the heart - an invitation to step into a world where beauty and purpose intertwine. Our vision is an embodiment of the love we hold for this land and for our fellow man as well as being a proclamation that this land, its rights, and its custodians be honoured, respected and safeguarded.

Stronger Boundaries

We yearn for a reality where boundaries are no longer needed, where trust blossoms like wildflowers, and kindness becomes the currency of human exchange. In this world, hearts and intentions resonate in harmony, and the need for boundaries yields to a shared understanding.

However, we acknowledge that in the world we navigate at present, the threads of mutual respect and understanding sometimes fray and so we feel it important to offer clarity to visitors as to where the boundaries of our land and footpaths lie, ensuring that the land's sanctity remains undisturbed.

We fortify these boundaries not as barriers but as bridges; each boundary stands as a mark of respect for each other and the land. The boundaries that we will shape, whether visible or understood, will carry the resonance of this respect. In each step, we inch closer to a world where trust prevails, and kindness illuminates every path.

Repairing the Farm Track

A journey into Cressbrook Dale begins with the land's tracks. Over the coming year, we aim to embark on a mission of renewal, cleansing the mud from the limestone pathways and filling the grooves left by past tractors. With every restored track, we pave the way for a brighter future and communion with the land.

Restoring the Building

The land whispers tales of its history, and we listen. One of our first projects was to unearth the limestone reservoir on the land and we have since discovered that a building also stood nearby.

We're committed to clearing the foundations of this forgotten building this Winter, to free the area of brambles and overgrowth.

It is our intention to restore the structure in 2024 as an Inter-Faith Chapel for Peace. As we craft its revival, we enhance the value of the land and offer future generations a link to the past.

Getting Well

When we first arrived on the land we commissioned professionals to come in and test the Ravensdale Spring water. They found traces of toxicity - which we later discovered were undoubtedly due to a wooden ladder within the upper brick holding tank, which had rotted away. The ladder has now been removed. The rather industrial lid to this tank was quite old and has broken.

To honor these life-giving waters, a new lid shall crown the reservoir - much like the ornamental lid at Chalice Well in Glastonbury - as a testament to our commitment to the land's vitality.

Dealing with Shit

The topic of human waste has stirred heated discussions in the local village. The positive news is that our members have decades of experience in ‘dealing with shit’.

However, we do recognise the necessity for proper on-site facilities. Please be assured that any solution we implement will not resemble the unsightly Severn Trent Water sewage structure, which was approved by the “Authorities” and looms like a dark cloud over Cressbrook Village. Our commitment stands firm: to weave a harmonious balance between necessity and aesthetics, prioritising a considerate approach to our environment and ensuring the well-being of all involved.

Growing People

HOPE Sussex Community

We notice many school groups often walking through Cressbrook Dale on nature expeditions.

Over time we’d love to set up a forest/nature school at Litton Frith Farm to teach people (young and old) the basic skills of working with the land which we were never taught at school.

We believe that this reconnection with Nature will become increasingly important to relieve the stress and anxiety being created by the ‘digital everything’ world ~ where so many, especially our children, are now addicted to screens.

Above all else, our Community is about healing at every level, and restoring our connection to Mother Earth is one of the best ways to do this.

Huge gratitude to all those who continue to energise this vision; through your visits, grafting on the land, and kind words of support.

How to become a Member of our Community

If you’d like to be part of our Community, the first step is to ‘Become a Friend’ via the link below (which takes you to a sign up being hosted on the SourceCRM platform), after which you’ll receive updates on our progress, plus details on how to become a Member/Co-owner :


What we did